Hi, I'm Trottie McQueen

Frontend Developer

Goal oriented Professional, seeking to grow. I am pursuing new expressions through experiments and thoughts while crafting solid and scalable frontend products, with great user experiences.

About Me

Frontent Developer!

A family man of dedication that understands the meaning of growth, to empower others, and lead when necessary. Seen the good, the bad, and the ugly in the technology realm. Experience for over 15 years. Live to solve problems, love to build.

My Journey


February 2023 - August 2023

App Academy - Fullstack Software Engineer

Programming fundamentals, back-end engineering, front-end engineering, web development fundamentals. Including task-based assignments designed to reinforce my practical understranding.

January 2022 - October 2023

Diploma - ZTM (Zero To Mastery) - Fullstack Web Development

Build real complex applications and websites. Learned how frontend, servers, and databases communicate and how they all fit together in the eco system. Some of the tools acquired: React + Redux + React Hooks, Node.js, Express.js, RESTful API Design, PostgresSQL, SQL, Production and deployment, Scalable Infrastructure.

February 2001 - April 2003

Associates - Art Institute of Dallas - Multimedia & Web Design

Acquired learning color schemes, life drawing(fundamentals of sketching real-life objects/persons), HTML Web basics, Adobe InDesign and Illustrator. Video editing VHS, Video rendering software(Media 100 & Avid), Audio engineering for video. White-balancing and operate professional SVHS camcorders.


November 2023 - Present

Image Recognition App

Using Machine Learning API (A subset of Artificial Intelligence), JavaScript, React, Node.js.

October 2023 - November 2023

BMI (Body Mass Index) Calculator

Applies JavaScript for the functionality. Some basic CSS and HTML for the layout.

September 2023 - October 2023

Family & Friends

Web app of family and friends to communicate with. Has functional search engine. Implemented HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

My Skills

Coding Skills

HTML 95%

CSS 85%

JavaScript 90%

Python 85%

Professional Skills

Web Design 95%

Web Development 90%

App Development 85%

Backend Development 95%

Contact Me!